Denim Utility Vest

Nov, 07, 2020

Welcome Friends, I’m excited to share with you all the process of creating my denim utility vest. The vest is fully lined with a total of 7 pockets. Although they’re a lot of tricky parts in this sewing project, follow along and I’m sure you’ll get the confidence to sew your very own. Learning to sew is a fun and engaging activity. Join me on this fun journey to learn to make your own clothes and wear. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver
Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

I bought this denim fabric from Shepherd’s Bush for £6.50 per meter. I did the acid wash myself using varying levels of concentrated bleach to achieve different shades of blue. Afterwards I popped the denim in the wash. Once it dried the denim became very creased so I ironed it before cutting. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

At first I wasn’t really a big fan of sketching out my designs before making my garments but I now find that it helps me to focus my ideas and not change my mind half way through the project

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Tammy's Supplies

1.5 meters denim fabric 

1 meter cotton lining 

2 meters webbing 

Side release buckle

Metal snap fasteners 

8″ blue zip (2) 

12″ chunky zip 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

This pattern I drafted myself using basic pattern blocks and adjusting it to my measurements.
The fabric is on the fold because I will need two of every pattern piece. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver
Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew the two back pieces together and top stitch. 
I will be topstitching all my seams in this project – it’ll make the seams look neat and flat. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver
Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Attach the webbing to the buckle, then topstitch the webbing unto the back bodice.
I positioned the webbing 4″ from the armhole. 

Cargo pockets

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver
Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

These are my two large pockets that I’ll place at the bottom half of the vest.
On my pockets I’ve marked with pink chalk where I will place my smaller pockets. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

I cut a long strip of fabric 2″ wide which I will sew around the pockets to give it that 3D effect. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

When you reach the corners, cut 1/2″ into the corner which will allow you to sew around the edge a lot easier. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Turn in the hem of the pocket.
I used 1.5″ for my hem allowance 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Topstitching here is important because it will give the pocket definition and strength. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Checking my markings match the size of the pocket 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew the smaller pockets unto the bigger pocket. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Pocket flap with 1″ of webbing.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew the flap directly above the pocket.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Topstitch the pocket flat to help it remain flat.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Measure the rise of your pockets and mark the area of your vest.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew the pocket unto the vest.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Topstitch the webbing above the pocket. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Right we’re getting there! 
Bottom pockets are down with the metal snaps attached. I’ve also attached the zipper and I’ll cut it off later when I’m attaching the lining. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Mark the area for the top pocket.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Use the same process I showed you earlier to create the top pocket. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

This non-functional pocket is so very cute. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew the pocket unto the marked area.

Front Utility Vest

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Front vest complete. If you’ve come this far you my friend have done very well. 

Back Utility Vest

Sleeveless Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Just to note – I used lightweight interfacing and iron it unto the wrong side of the fabric. This will give additional strength to the vest. Don’t worry, the interfacing will be concealed when the lining is attached. 

Utility Vest Lining

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Front lining pattern pieces

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew together

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Press the seams flat

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Back lining pattern pieces

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Sew together

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Press the seams flat

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver
Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

For the lining: sew the front and back shoulders together.

Then attach the neckline of the main fabric with the neckline of the lining fabric – right sides together. 

Topstitch the the seam making the seam allowance is facing the lining. Then press.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Finished neckline.

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Attach the arm hole on the fabric to the arm hole of the lining. Check out this tutorial by Painted Layers if you need help. 

Denim Utility Vest - Tammy Silver

Ok nearly there!
I sewed the hem of the lining with the hem of the vest (right sides together).
I left an opening of about 8″ so I can turn the vest the right way. 
To finish the vest you can either hand stitch the hem or just top stitch the hem close (I did the latter).  

Thank you for Reading!

I hope this tutorial has given you the confidence to sew your version of a utility vest. The techniques I’ve shown you will defo come in handy during your other projects as well. 

What do you guys think? Drop me a comment below. 
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through my email or reach out on Instagram at tammy_silver

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Tammy Silver here!
I’m a Pattern Maker and Sewing Blogger based in London. Here you will find all my latest designs and tutorials to help you craft your perfect handmade style.

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